Everything you need to know about content marketing

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There's a lot of conflicting information about content marketing when you listen to brands. Years after the sector experienced strong growth, some insist that content is king. Others suggest that content marketing is becoming less and less effective, and recommend a change of strategy. In this article, we'll explain what you need to know about content marketing, so that you can judge the importance of this strategy for your situation as an advertiser.

So what is content maketing?

In reality, content is always essential to the success of your business. This is particularly true when it comes to customer loyaltyBut you can't just publish any old content. No, your company needs to provide high-quality content that adds value to your core product or service and speaks personally to your customers. Achieving this creates lasting customer relationships. Here are some thoughts on how to achieve this.

Effective content marketing to customers must focus on re-engagement. We're all customers who constantly need to be re-engaged. Think about it! We've bought all sorts of products in the past only to largely ignore subsequent emails trying to sell us something else. It's an all-too-common response.

If you push too hard, especially by sending too many e-mails, you'll discourage customers. This may lead them to unsubscribe from your messages and disengage permanently. That's why it's important to use your content marketing skills to bring them back into your brand's inner circle.

Ask your customers about their preferences

When you use content marketing to encourage re-engagement, there are several steps you need to take. First, take the time to understand the different groups of disengaged readers you're working with. You can do this by analyzing past purchase behavior as well as by encouraging current subscribers to refine their preferences. The latter technique requires getting consumers to open a new e-mail (the one asking for their preferences). However, many are actually willing to provide a little more information if it means receiving better offers or more valuable information. You just need to be attractive in the subject line.

Personalize customer e-mails

Another valuable tool you can use to stimulate customer re-engagement is e-mail personalization. As mentioned above, you need to segment your inactive customers to better understand what's happening at audience level. With this information, plus a few simple formatting and automation tricks, you can send customers personalized recommendations. You can also make sure they receive relevant content and, of course, use basic personal information such as their name and date of birth. Even if customers know that these things can be automated, this kind of attention to detail is still important.

Maximize your content marketing metrics

You can produce all the content you want in an attempt to attract customers and build loyalty. However, if you don't measure these efforts with predefined predefined KPIsyou've worked for nothing.

So how do you know if your content marketing program program is working? There are a number of different approaches, some of which can confuse the issue. That's why some experts recommend choosing one "key metric" and one only, a statistic you focus on. This metric will guide you as you try to interpret your overall strategy.

To determine which metrics to focus on when interpreting the impact of your content marketing program on customer loyalty, you'll need to consider a number of factors. First, look at the data commonly used in your industry. For example, when mobile games want to measure retention, they usually focus on the number of days in the year that the user has used the app. However, this isn't a particularly useful tool if you're an e-commerce site.

In your case, you can better measure customer retention by dividing your calendar into three groups: short-, medium- and long-term customers. Your goal is to turn as many customers as possible into long-term customers. That said, some long-term customers are more valuable than others.

Does content marketing work on video?

Ongoing research shows that video increases click-through and conversion rates, and can boost search engine visibility. You've probably seen this happen in your own searches. After entering a set of terms, the first results that now appear are often videos related to the topic. So why not place your videos in a logic of SEO on YouTube with your flagship keywords? While it's not the same as gaining the number one position in natural search, it's still an important position to occupy. In fact, it can be even more powerful, since it requires a click.